Fountain, Bruce & Mellencamp, PLLC Co-Sponsors of Claims & Litigation Management Alliance’s “Texas Event “

This past week was a great experience for members Lisa Bruce and Thomas Fountain while attending the Dallas “Texas Event”.  The conference was a sold out affair put on the the Claims and Litigation Management Alliance or CLM Alliance. The Claims and Litigation Management (CLM) Alliance is the only national organization created to meet the needs of professionals in the claims and litigation management industries. Founded in 2007, the CLM currently has approximately 20,000 Members and Fellows — a number that grows by hundreds each month.

The Texas Event focused primarily on Products Liability Law and presented many speakers on these and other related issues during interactive meetings.   One of the panels, from a wide “menu” of choices, presented issues related to Innocent Retailers Immunity & Indemnification Statutes.  Another panel spoke to the use of recording devices in aviation(cock voice recorders or CVR’s)  and motor vehicle  (engine computer monitoring systems or ECM’s) accident reconstruction and trial.  Many thanks to the speakers who came from all areas of the country to present their views and field questions! For more information about the CLM Alliance and it’s organization see it’s website:

Fountain, Bruce & Mellencamp PLLC is an AV Preeminent rated law firm located in The Woodlands, Texas.  The Firm handles insurance coverage and insurance litigation matters and is proud to have represented insurers in many specialty areas, including homeowners, auto (including specialized representation for non-standard auto insurance carriers), trucking, commercial general liability and aviation insurance.  For more information see our WebSite at or call (281) 296-6500.

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