The Insured VS. The Agent: Who Is to Blame for a Lack of Coverage?
For an insurance adjuster, this can be a daily experience. A loss occurs and the insured’s clam is denied due to a lack of coverage. When this happens, a dispute almost always arises between the insured, the carrier, and often the insurance agent. In the ensuing blame game, fingers are pointed, tempers flare, and lawsuits […]
Employer Liability for the Acts of Independent Contractors – Responsabilidad del Empleador Por Las Leyes de Los Contratistas Independientes
In today’s busy world, there are a number of ways that a small business owner, a general contractor, an independent subcontractor, or an owner of land find the need to have some construction performed. Perhaps they need some equipment repaired or installed. Unfortunately, in the process of these functions, a client or worker can sustain […]
Newsflash for Employers – Religious Discrimination
The EEOC has just filed a suit against an Employer (Decostar) who, according to the EEOC, discriminated against their employee because the Employer attempted to force the employee to work overtime against their religious beliefs. The release by the EEOC reads in part: “According to the EEOC’s suit, Decostar violated federal law by firing Dina […]
Fountain, Bruce & Mellencamp PLLC Admitted to the Greater Houston Builders Association
Fountain, Bruce & Mellencamp PLLC is pleased to announce they the Firm has been added as a member of the Greater Houston Builders Association. The Association’s stated purpose is to “…do one thing–help people realize the American Dream of home ownership. The Association serves those members through education and advocacy.” The lawyers at Fountain, Bruce & […]