Don’t Forget the Additional Insured!
Imagine you are a general contractor who has just been served with a lawsuit for defective construction. You immediately pull your contracts for the project to determine which subcontractors performed the deficient work. You identify the subcontractor, pull the subcontractor agreement, and find that wonderful provision stating that the subcontractor must add you as an […]
Risk Protection: Your Next Step – Protección Contra Riesgos: Su Próximo Paso
Most small businesses have been given the advice to operate within the protection of a corporate entity or similar company structure such as a limited liability company (L.L.C.) as a solid measure for risk protection. However, we would suggest that forming such an entity is just the beginning step in risk protection for shielding your […]
Employer Liability for the Acts of Independent Contractors – Responsabilidad del Empleador Por Las Leyes de Los Contratistas Independientes
In today’s busy world, there are a number of ways that a small business owner, a general contractor, an independent subcontractor, or an owner of land find the need to have some construction performed. Perhaps they need some equipment repaired or installed. Unfortunately, in the process of these functions, a client or worker can sustain […]
Outside General Counsel Program for Small Business Owners
After planning for many months, Thomas M Fountain & Associates, PLLC is now offering a new program focused toward the small business owner. While most large and even medium sized business have hired attorneys to act as General Counsel, most small companies and those in the start up modes, do not wish to allocate funds […]
Fountain, Bruce & Mellencamp PLLC to Sponsor Texas Product Liability Litigation Seminar
The Civil Law Firm of Fountain, Bruce & Mellencamp PLLC is pleased to announce that it will sponsor the “Texas Event”, a CLM Alliance seminar and conference. The Texas Event is a seminar dedicated to the area of Products Liability Litigation and claims handling. The conference is to be held in Dallas, Texas in May 2013. Stay tuned, […]