Risk Protection: Your Next Step – Protección Contra Riesgos: Su Próximo Paso
Most small businesses have been given the advice to operate within the protection of a corporate entity or similar company structure such as a limited liability company (L.L.C.) as a solid measure for risk protection. However, we would suggest that forming such an entity is just the beginning step in risk protection for shielding your […]
The Insured VS. The Agent: Who Is to Blame for a Lack of Coverage?
For an insurance adjuster, this can be a daily experience. A loss occurs and the insured’s clam is denied due to a lack of coverage. When this happens, a dispute almost always arises between the insured, the carrier, and often the insurance agent. In the ensuing blame game, fingers are pointed, tempers flare, and lawsuits […]
Fountain, Bruce & Mellencamp PLLC to Sponsor Texas Product Liability Litigation Seminar
The Civil Law Firm of Fountain, Bruce & Mellencamp PLLC is pleased to announce that it will sponsor the “Texas Event”, a CLM Alliance seminar and conference. The Texas Event is a seminar dedicated to the area of Products Liability Litigation and claims handling. The conference is to be held in Dallas, Texas in May 2013. Stay tuned, […]